EFCA Rocky Mountain District

Disciple-Making Church Cohorts

Define and Describe

EFCA Rocky Mountain District

Strengthening Leaders

We provide resources and support for effective ministry.

EFCA Rocky Mountain District


We establish new churches to be a light of Jesus in new communities.


Rocky Mountain District

We serve the EFCA churches in Colorado, Southwest South Dakota, and Wyoming

The Rocky Mountain District mission is to stregthen leaders and churches to promote health and multiplication.

The EFCA Rocky Mountain District Vision Core Values are:

Leadership Health - We desire to care for and equip church leaders as they develop sustainable health in all the rhythms of life and ministry. We will help leaders seek personal renewal and resilience through encouragement, prayer, and resources.

Relational Strengthening - We desire unity of the Spirit through fostering mutually beneficial relationships. We will facilitate relationship where we share resources and support one another through prayer and mutual encouragement.

Strategic Resourcing - We desire the development of pathways to encourage and build up the local church in doctrinal integrity, alignment, and a heart for multiplication. We will provide flexible tools, training, and resources to leadership that is applicable to day-to-day ministry.

Prayer-filled Collaboration - We desire to be an intentional, prayer-filled movement that unifies our churches and leaders. We will encourage and motivate Spirit-led, Scripture-fed prayer as we labor for the kingdom.

Care for Pastors

Our district is commited to providing support and resources
for church leaders.
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Ministries of the District