2024 Cohorts and Affinity Groups

Cohorts are learning communities that gather for a specific length of time to gain tools and resources on a specific topic.

Affinity groups flow from the high value the RMD has around partnerships and relationships. People in similar staff and/or ministry roles connect to support one another, share resources, and build relationships.

All cohorts and affinity groups will take place online this fall. Registrants will receive the link from the leader prior to the first meeting.

Registration is open through September 25 or until the group fills up. Note: The Experiencing Intimacy with Jesus cohort closes on September 11.


Experiencing Intimacy with Jesus

Led by Pastor Alan Kraft of Christ Community Church in Greeley, Colorado

Summary: This cohort is an 8-week opportunity to grow deeper in your experience of intimacy with Jesus by engaging in a few core spiritual practices. Each week, there will be content to read and three specific exercises to engage in outside of the Cohort Zoom meeting. During our weekly Zoom meeting, we will process together our experiences in the actual practices.
Participants: 8-12 pastors, ministry leaders, and lay persons are invited to join the journey.
Times: Wednesdays Sept. 25 - Nov. 13, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Register by September 11.
Cost: Free
Materials: Participants should purchase The Intimate God book.
Register Here

Courage and Calm in the Midst of Conflict

Led by Pastor AJ Dudek Rocky Mountain EFC in Estes Park, CO

Summary: As you are tasked to shepherd in your setting, you are also tasked to become the type of leader who provides a stable presence when the boat starts to rock. In a culture captivated by emotionally charged opinions with conflict on almost every horizon, how does one remain sober-minded and spirit-led while remaining stable in the conflict? The goal of this cohort is to provide you with some tools to help prepare your heart to be the calming presence when tension arises.
Participants: pastors, elders, others who are tasked with shepherding in ministry, home, or work.
Times: 3 one-hour Zoom meetings: Tuesdays, Oct. 8, 29, Nov. 12 from 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Materials: Reference materials will be sent out to participants after registration.
Cost: Free
Register Here

Disciple-Making Church Cohort

Cohort 1.0 - Definition of a Disciple (More details here)
Led by Kevin Boaz

Summary: As EFCA churches, we are passionate about the commission of Jesus to go make disciples. Does your church have a clear, shared definition of a disciple? Do you have a description of what a mature disciple looks like? These are the questions we will address throughout the Disciple-Making Church Cohort. In our first cohort, churches will build a biblical definition of a disciple.
Participants: We encourage 1-2 people in leadership from a church to join us online and then take their ideas back to their staff, elders, or lead team for refining.
Time: Two Zoom Sessions
  • Option 1: Wednesdays, October 2 and 16, 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
  • Option 2: Tuesdays, October 1 and 15, 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Materials: All Provided
Cost: Free
Register Here for the Wednesday Option
Register Here for the Tuesday Option


Affinity Group: Music Leaders and Music Pastors

Hosted by Pastor Justin Lee from Cathedral Rock Church in Monument, CO

Participants: Directors of music, worship pastors, or lay music leaders.
Time: Details are currently being worked out. Please register if you are interested in learning more.
Cost: Free
Register Here

Affinity Group: Church Administrators, Finance, Facility, and/or HR

Hosted by Anette Versaw, Church Administrator at Canon City Evangelical Free Church

Participants: Initially, we are inviting all administrative personnel, HR, Facility, and/or Finance persons to join
Summary: As this group gathers, Anette will facilitate conversation and connection to find out which areas would be best to focus on. Additional affinity groups may form from this diverse group of roles.
Time: Initial 1 hour zoom will be held on a Tuesday morning, either October 1 or October 8. Details will be sent out to registrants.
Cost: Free
Register Here

Affinity Group: Pastor’s Wife Connection

Hosted by Ciara Stastny from Christ The Rock Church in Timnath, CO

Summary: Gather to encourage, pray, and share resources for your unique and varied roles as the spouse of pastors.
Participants: Any wives of pastoral staff.
Times: Connecting times will be offered initially on two Saturday mornings at 9:00 am or a 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 1:00 pm in October via Google meet.
Ciara would love to have 1-2 more women help her facilitate these times.
Cost: Free
Register Here

Affinity Group: Youth Leaders

Hosted by Carson Greenhaw, RMD Youth Consultant, NextGen Pastor at New Life EFC in Aurora, CO

Ongoing Meetings:
  • Online: 1st Thursday of Month, 1:00-2:30 pm
  • In Person: 2nd Thursday of the Month, 11:30 am-2:40 pm at Calvary Thornton

Contact Carson Greenhaw for more information: youth@rockymountaindistrict.org
Register Here

Affinity Group: Children’s Ministry

Hosted by Lauren Danforth, Children’s Ministry Director at Red Rocks EFC in Littleton, CO

Summary: Gather to encourage one another, pray, and share resources.
Participants: Children’s ministry directors, staff, or volunteer leadership.
Times: Join one or both of these connection opportunities:
Oct. 23 at 1:00 pm or Oct. 29 at 6:30 pm
Cost: Free
Register Here

For more information, contact Kevin Boaz.
Kevin Boaz

Director of Multiplication and Leadership Development

Contact Kevin
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For more information on the church planting efforts of the EFCA and helpful resources for church planters, visit ReachNetwork.