Disciple-making Church Cohorts


As EFCA churches, we are passionate about the commission of Jesus to go make disciples. Does your church have a clear, shared definition of a disciple? Do you have a description of what a mature disciple that impacts your community looks like? Would a person in your church know how to take the next steps in their journey of following Jesus and guiding others to do the same? These are the questions we will address throughout the Disciple-Making Church Cohorts.

Our disciple-making cohorts are designed for churches that are ready to actively build out their disciple-making process. Churches wanting to walk through this process must work through the cohorts in order from 1.0 to 4.0. Participants will work through interactive materials and training during our cohorts and then have specific tools to take back to their church team. We like to say that we take a concept or tool to 80% completion with participants who then work with their churches leadership to fine tune each tool. This unique process provides biblical teaching and tools have been developed through a partnership with Clarity House, ReachNetwork, and other key resource materials.

1.0 - Define

How do we know if we are faithfully making disciples? In this lab, we will create a clear biblical definition of a disciple. This shared definition will align your congregation and ministries toward a common target.

Timing: 6 hours total over 2-3 sessions

Take Homes: Refined Draft Definition of a Disciple

2.0 Describe

What are the characteristics of a mature disciple? Working from a tool called “Dream Disciple” created by Clarity House we will work to describe the kind of disciples your church is designed to develop which your context desperately needs more of. What are the marks of maturity that show spiritual growth?

Timing: 6-8 hours total over 3-4 sessions

Take Homes: Kingdom Concept Tool, Dream Disciple Draft, Coffee Shop Questions Tool

3.0 Develop

Do the ministries, systems, and processes in place in your church build and equip disciples toward maturity and disciple-making? Using a variety of tools from Clarity House, Saturate, and other resources, churches will develop a disciple-making pathway. The pathway will consider how your church reaches people who are far from God and then journeys alongside them toward maturity and multiplication.

Timing: 6-8 hours total over 3-4 sessions

Take Homes: Disciple-making pathway draft, ministry evaluation rubrics.

4.0 Deploy and Discover

Do you have an intentional training and tools for reaching those far from God? Churches will use their kingdom concept tool, definition of a disciple and pathway to discern a strategy for outreach. Secondly, churches will discover how any church of any size in any context can play a vital role in our district’s vision to plant transformational churches.

Timing: 6 Hours total in 2 or 3 sessions.

Take Homes: Leadership Star, identify a primary outreach vehicle, identify your church’s role in church planting in the RMD.

Contact Kevin to find out when the next cohort process is launching or to inquire about how to take your church through the journey. Current cohorts are also listed on our events page.
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For more information on the church planting efforts of the EFCA and helpful resources for church planters, visit ReachNetwork.