Fall 2022 Conference Schedule
Fall Conference Schedule
Tuesday, October 18
7:30 AM - Doors open for vendors and presenters to set up
8:00 AM - Registration begins, refreshments available
8:45 AM - Welcome
9:00 AM - Main Session One - Len Crowley presents "Power & Presence as the Church’s Purpose"
10:15 AM - Break & refreshments
10:30 AM - Workshops (Prayer Time in main session gathering space)
Dale & Jen Pierce - “Growing in Prayer Together in Your Marriage”
Mark Vaporis - “The RMD Credentialing Process”
Julie Kurz - “Keys to Impactful Teaching With Any Curriculum”
Tom Shirk - “Developing A Vital Elder Ministry”
11:45 AM - Lunch is provided
12:30 PM - Main Session Two - Len Crowley presents "The Four Devotions"
1:45 - Break & refreshments
2:00 PM - Workshops (Prayer Time in main session gathering space)
John Gardner - "Why Preaching in Youth Ministry Matters”
MeLissa Houdmann - “Pastor’s Wives & Women in Ministry: Capitalizing on Your Relational Connections”
Jerry Rich - “All Things Finances for Pastors and Churches”
Alan Kraft - “Experiencing the Father’s Love”
3:15 PM - Break & refreshments
3:30 PM - Workshops (Prayer Time in main session gathering space)
Carson Greenhaw - “Thinking Through Family Discipleship”
Russ Ryherd - “Developing Your Worship Ministry”
Scott Ritterbush - “Praying Through Anxiety (from Psalm 57)
Kevin Boaz - “A Movement of Multiplication in the RMD”
4:45 PM - Main Session Three - Testimony by Barry Vegter; Len Crowley presents "Scripture Fed, Spirit Led; Worship Based Prayer"
6:00 PM - Dinner on your own, connecting with others in your church or with affinity groups in the District
(RMD District Leadership Team meets for dinner and quarterly meeting at 6:15 PM)
Wednesday, October 19
7:30 AM - Doors open with refreshments available
8:00 AM - Prayer Gathering - Experiencing Scripture-Fed Spirit-Led Worship-Based Prayer
9:00 AM - Main Session Four - Len Crowley presents "Threats to the Life and Purpose of the Church"
10:15 AM - Break & refreshments
10:30 AM - Main Session Five - Testimony by Curt Mudgett; Len Crowley presents "The First 'Administration' (oiko-nomia) or 'Church Practice' of Acts 6:3 + 6:4 = 6:7")
11:45 AM - Wrap-up
Noon - Conference Concludes
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